This is another peasant-style bread, distinctive in its use of potatoes, which keep the dough nice and moist and contribute a pleasingly chewy texture. Because of the moisture, the baked loaves stay fresh longer than other breads. It requires slow rising overnight in the refrigerator but is well worth the wait.
- 1 cup warm water
- 2 tablespoons (30 ml) or 11/2 ounces (40 g) light corn syrup
- 1/2 ounce (15 g) fresh compressed yeast 8 ounces (225 g) bread flour
- 10 ounces (285 g) russet potatoes
- 2 ounces (55 g) fresh compressed yeast
- 1 pint (480 ml) warm milk
- 11/2 tablespoons (22 g) salt
- 1 ounce (30 g) granulated malt extract or 3 tablespoons (45 ml) or 2 ounces (55 g) honey
- 6 ounces (170 g) whole wheat flour
- 1 pound 14 ounces (855 g) bread flour Egg wash

To Make The Sponge
1- Combine the water and corn syrup and dissolve the yeast in the liquid.
2- Add the bread flour and mix until you have a very soft, smooth sponge.
3- Cover and let rise in a warm place until the sponge starts to fall.
To Make The Dough
4- Peel, cook, and mash the potatoes. Set aside to cool.
5- Dissolve the yeast in the warm milk. Add the salt, malt extract or honey, and the whole wheat flour. Mix the mashed potatoes and the sponge into the dough.
6- Reserve a handful of the bread flour, then mix in the remainder. Knead with the dough hook for about 8 minutes at medium speed, then adjust with the reserved flour if necessary.
7- The dough will be smooth and elastic but not sticky. Cover the dough and let rest for 1 hour in a warm place, punching it down after 30 minutes.
8- Divide the dough into 4 equal pieces, approximately 1 pound 2 ounces (510 g) each. Pound each piece into a tapered oval loaf about 10 inches (25 cm) long. The loaves should be thicker in the center and thinner on the ends.
9- Brush the loaves with egg wash, invert in whole wheat flour, and place right-side up on sheet pans lined with baking paper. Let the loaves rise until slightly less than doubled in volume.
10- With a sharp knife, make 3 slashes at a 45-degree angle across each loaf. Cut deep enough to go through the skin only.
11- Bake at 400°F (205°C), using steam and leaving the damper closed for the first 10 min- utes. Open the damper and continue baking approximately 20 minutes longer.